Latest Nuheara News

Unbox Therapy IQbuds Review: Minds Blown
Lewis Hilsenteger is a 33 year-old Canadian technology entrepreneur, and one of the best-known “YouTube millionaires” out there. His...
Nuheara’s IQbuds vs. Doppler’s Here One – An Independent Assessment
Over the last several years, earbuds have become a whole lot smarter. As a result, the market for hearable technology projects to be worth upwards...
Nuheara Proudly Supports the No Barriers Summit
Last weekend members of the Nuheara team traveled to Squaw Creek, Lake Tahoe in the beautiful California Sierras to participate in the No Barriers...
The Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act: How to Support This Initiative
In late March, a bi-partisan group of Senators introduced new legislation intended to improve accessibility to hearing aids for those with...
IQbuds in the News
It’s not just the best-of-class battery life or the sleek industrial design. It’s how our customers are using IQbuds to improve the quality of...Nuheara Selected to Present to U.S. Members of Congress
Highlights: Nuheara among 24 of the world’s leading innovators, invited to present to US Members of Congress at CES on the Hill in Washington D.C....
Hardware Crowdfunding: Hearables Show Promise & Pratfalls
The hearables market just passed the $50m mark for total crowdfunding investment in February. This milestone demonstrates both the promise of the...